SURUGA-TEFU(Nihonbashi,Tokyo)  ーする賀てふー

Suruga-Tefu (Nihonbashi,Tokyo)

100 Famous Views of Edo by Hiroshige Utagawa

Tunekichi replicated in watercolor




These goodwill were from Mitsukoshi department store 

about 350 years ago.

This long-established store started as an Echigoya Kimono store in the Edo period.

Tunekichi painted the beauty of winter with this picture.


 今もこの場所に位置する三越百貨店のおおもと 越後屋呉服店のものです。 





Long ago, Japanese people called the place where Mt. Fuji was "Suruga country".

They could see Mt. Fuji clearly from Nihonbashi, so they called that area Suruga-tefu.

The headquarters of Mitsukoshi department store were located there during the Edo period. 

日本橋駿河町は くっきりと富士山が見える事から 


 紫色の雲に囲まれた雪の富士が 畏怖堂々とした姿を見せています。  

Many painters drew Echigoya during the Edo period.

The customers who came to this kimono shop

 were different from other shops.

The owner of the shop was Takatoshi Mitsui.

There were samurai riding horses and hiding there faces with hoods,

castle maids, and people from the provinces.

Mitsui had an excellent business sense.

江戸時代多くの絵師が描いたという 越後屋呉服店には 


 馬に乗った旗本や、頭巾を被ったお忍びの武士や 女中さん達、そしておのぼりさん。 


Takatoshi Mitui was born as the fourth man in Matsusaka city, Mie prefecture.

He was an owner of an excellent business talent.

But he was dismayed by his elder brothers.

In 1673 the eldest brother died and Takatoshi opened the Echigoya Kimono shop in Edo. 

At that time he was 52 years old. 

This shop later became a famous Mitsukoshi department store.

藤原道長の流れをくむという 三重県松坂市の三井家の 四男高利(たかとし)は 

 優れた商才の持ち主でしたが、 江戸で商売を営む兄達から疎まれ ひとり故郷に置かれていました。 長兄が亡くなった1673年、 高利は52歳でいよいよ江戸に進出し 越後屋呉服店を開きました。 


At the time,most traders sold on credit, but hearted high-quality goods for cash.

This method became popular with the public, and the shop prospered.

Other shop owners were jealous and persecuted Mitsui.

as a result, Mitsui moved his store from Edo to Suruga,

but he was still successful.

After that, his store became a favorite of the shogun.

He also did business as a money changer,

 which eventually led to the creation of Sumitomo Mitsui Bank.

His business has grown more and more

 and his descendants have made a huge organization "Mitsui Zaibatsu".

Although he died at the age of 73, he left a wonderful family learning to his descendants. 

You must not be arrogant if you are rich.

 Do not fight among peers. 

Part of the profit should be distributed.

There is no weak graduation under excellent general. 

You had better trade with foreign countries. 

Sometimes it is important to quit business.

Now these family learning will also be a message to us.

 Exit piles are struck!

 However, he grabbed the opportunity to wait for the time and made a big success.

 We can get a lot of teaching and courage from him.

その頃の商売は 駆け引きで値段を決めるツケ払いで 







 店は江戸本町一丁目から するが町に移りました。 



 また高利はその子孫と一族に数家を創設させ 三井財閥が生まれました。 


 家を守り栄えさせ 商売繁盛への導きとなる文面があります。 









 出る杭は打たれる、といいますが 当時の年齢で50を過ぎるまで機会を待ち 




From Mt. Fuji we associate "strong heart". 

And we also feel "strength" from the stroke Tunekichi draws.

The upper part of the painting is quiet and the lower part is active. 

Even if the times change, we can live strongly.

 It is most important to believe in yourself.

Thank you for seeing.

富士へと続く呉服店街の道は 不動の心を暗示しているのでしょうか。 


 つねきちの描く優しい筆線から 今回は力強さを感じます。 


 世の中は移り変わっても 恐れず進めば辿り着ける場所がある。 

 それを信じ自分自身を信じ 歩き続けて行ける気がします。


#三越百貨店 #浮世絵 #名所江戸百景 #歌川広重 #富士山 #知的障害 #模写絵師つねきち

#Ukiyoe #Hiroshige Utagawa, 100 sightseeing sites in Edo #Edo #Shougun #Kimono #Mitukosi


知的障害を乗り越え描く、無垢な魂の筆使い。 つね吉が描く色合いは、渋みが主流の浮世絵とはちょっと違っています。 彼の目には江戸時代の景色がそのまま映っているからです。 そんな独特の「つね吉流儀」をお楽しみください。


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